We had an absolutely wonderful time on our Plane-Hopping Adventure!!
To begin, we drove to Bratislava, Slovakia and parked our car at a long-term parking lot. For 58 euros, we parked our car for 10 days and had transportation to and from the Bratislava airport. We flew out of Bratislava and enjoyed a 3 hour flight to Malaga, Spain.
When we arrived in Malaga, we rushed to catch the train to Torremolinos. The train, which was like a fast monorail, was clean and modern. Screens throughout the train indicated the route, making it easy to know when to get off. In Torremolinos, we got off the train and began our search for our hotel. All we knew was that it was near the water!
Luckily, Dusty has an incredible sense of direction and lead us right to the front of the hotel!! We walked in to Hotel Fenix and met a Spanish-speaking receptionist. Our Spanish "skills" came in handy and we communicated without any problems. After checking in, we found our beautiful room.
When booking the hotel in Torremolinos, we did so based on price (cheapest). So we were surprised to discover that the Hotel Fenix is 4 star! Our large room, included a huge patio overlooking the ocean. This luxurious hotel was a wonderful treat!
In the price of our room, full board was included. We enjoyed a late lunch which was buffet style served in a beautiful dining room. After lunch we went out to discover the town of Torremolinos. The town reminded us a bit of Sorrento, Italy. Thin, windy streets ran up hills, with shops and apartments of both sides. White beach ran for miles, with cabanas every few hundred feet. Restaurants and shops alongside the beach promenade sold cold water, ice cream and souvenirs.
After exploring the Spanish town, we went back up the room to get in our bathing suites. We walked down to the beach in front of our hotel and laid in the sand for about an hour. Not wanting to get too much sun in one day, and not having bought towels yet, we made our way back up to the room. We got cleaned up and headed down for a wonderful dinner. Again buffet style, fresh fish and other delectable items were offered.
A stroll in the cool night air came after dinner. Our first day in Torremolinos was wonderful and we looked forward to another 3 days in beautiful Torremolinos.
For the rest of our time, we enjoyed the incredible streets, food and views of Torremolinos, Spain. The service and food in the hotel were incredible. The beach, besides the FREEZING water, was beautiful, relaxing, warm and fun. Hanging out together, walking the streets, practicing our Spanish, and swimming in the ocean made our time in Torremolinos fabulous.