2010. december 7., kedd

Christmas Season

Christmas time in Hungary is absolutely beautiful! There is snow on the ground and people all over town. For the local Pápa Christmas market, wooden booths are set up downtown where traditional hot drinks and food are sold. Dusty and I enjoy the hot chocolate, which is actually hot chocolate pudding served in a cup.

The weather has been very cold and snow fell for a week straight. Yesterday, the snow on the ground, turned to pure ice! We slipped a few times but still made it downtown for a cup of hot chocolate!

Yesterday, Dec. 6th, is the day the Hungarian children are visited by Santa. The children leave shoes on their window sills, and Santa puts small gifts into them. Dec. 25th is the day in which the Hungarians celebrate the birth of Christ.

Dusty and I are planning to visit a couple of large Christmas markets, maybe in Slovakia, Austria, or our own capital of Budapest.